Trip Around the World

• 20. Jun 2023 • English Studio, Praxismittelschule PH Steiermark, Sprachen

In this podcast, Sebastian, Lea, Elvis and Valentin, students of the Praxismittelschule der PH Stmk talk with thier guest,  a former student of the PMS, Valentina Dohr,  about her nine-month- trip to America, South America, India, and Southeast Asia. Valentina stayed in different accommodations and worked on farms to afford the travel expenses. The speaker’s traveling bug (=Reisefieber) was instilled by her father, and her mother eventually accepted her decision to travel solo. She felt safe during her travels and found work as a nanny occasionally. She also faced language barriers but found people speaking good English in Asia and Spanish in South America. Valentina sometimes struggled with food in South America and had visa issues while leaving the US, she recommends being cautious while traveling in the US as they have strict visa policies. Maui, Hawaii, was the favorite place for the speaker due to the warm community and „aloha spirit“ of the people. She really enjoyed the beach, food, singing, and dancing with friends and homeless people, making it her favorite day of the entire trip.

Sendungsgestaltung: Manuel Krknjak