USA compared to Austria

Etta Zechmann does her master’s internship at the Praxismittelschule der Pädagogischen Hochschule Steiermark. In a recent podcast she talked about her semester abroad in the U.S.A. and students showed great interest in life in the U.S.A. Thus she invited Ms. Hammett, an American colleague of her.

From cheerleading to prom night – Ms. Hammett tells us all about school life in the U.S.A., talks about how it is to live in a big city and whether it is true that there are burgers and fries at every street corner in American cities.

One of the learning objectives is to place the students in a variety of communication situations that are as authentic as possible.  The goals of the curriculum in the competence areas of speaking and listening can be achieved well with self-made videos. The students should be able to understand the main points of the video (clear standard language was used) and also be able to follow more complex reasoning.

Program design: Manuel Krknjak